Doghouse Daycare – First and only accredited force-free daycare and grooming in Adelaide.
Force-free means an intelligent and caring philosophy that underpins our daycare and grooming services. We focus on the physical, mental, environmental, and emotional well being of every dog. Our expert staff are trained to ensure every dog’s experience is happy, healthy and stimulating. We are proud to be a member of the Pet Professional Guild , the association for force free pet professionals.
The Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) also recommends the use of positive reinforcement methods for dogs as the preferred method of training. Therefore Doghouse Daycare promotes the use of positive reinforcement training by rewarding the behaviour we prefer to see.
Home from home
Dogs and puppies that attend a force-free daycare regularly, can build stronger and more loving relationships with the people they are close to.
“Love between dogs and people is a mystery. Dogs never blame us for being grumpy or careless and their love is unconditional”.
Play excites and enriches whilst exercising body and mind, increasing your dog’s trust in us. When dogs and people play together they stay together.
Dogs learn life differently to humans. At DHDC, we are qualified with skills that stimulate your dogs development which benefits time at home and in public.
Seeing is believing
We have the best job in the world and we have as much fun as our fluffy friends…