You probably have an established health routine for your dog; you check his paws after a walk, brush him regularly and take care of his teeth with delicious treats. But are you checking his ears regularly?
In Summer months, wax can easily build up in a dogs ear due to the warm weather and water play. Regular checks can help spot early signs of ear conditions which can be irritating and painful for your four-legged friend. You should always contact your Vet if you notice redness, odour or discharge from your dog’s ear, or if they seem to be in particular discomfort.
One of the most common ear conditions we see in dogs is ear mites. Luckily, we have identified some common symptoms and a simple treatment for your furry friend.
The Problem: Ear mites
Ear mites (or ‘Otodectes cynotis mites’) are a common and relatively mild parasite infection. However, left untreated, ear mites can cause more serious ear problems.
Some breeds are more prone to ear mites, especially those with droopy ears with long ears canals.
Ear mites multiply if long ear hair (both inside the ear and on the ear flaps) that causes a lack of ventilation, as well as wax build up. And if your dog enjoys a cool swim in the warm weather, then moisture can also attract mites.
Early signs of ear mites include:
- Scratching of ears, head or neck or even paws
- Holding their head to one side
- Frequent shaking of their head
- Thick red-brown or black crusts in the outer ear
- Coffee ground like bumps in the ear canal
- Abrasions and scratches on the back side of the ears
- Crusting and scale on the neck, rump and tail
The Solution
THORNIT is an awesome product that is easy and safe to use in dissolving ear wax and treating mites, all over the body. THORNIT is a powder that you simply apply to the outer ear (avoiding the entrance of the ear canal) and massage from the outside.. As the ear wax dissolves, the ear mites die, and your canine’s ear will be healthy and clean. To treat mites on other parts of the body, simply shake powder onto the affected area. Your dog will experience relief after the first dose, but you should continue treatment for up to 5 days, using the powder twice a day
As THORNIT does not contain antibiotics, it is safe to apply at home and can be used in your weekly health routine to keep ear wax at bay.
Yes- this small bottle packs a punch.
For more information about THORNIT, email us at
Below is a testimonial from another happy Thornit user!
I’ve had an awful issue with one of my dogs paws. Pads were like mauve sponges & blister type things between a couple of toes (had those before & Betadine ointment cleared them up but not this time). Tried MANY things over the past few weeks & thought I’d give Thornit a go. OMG after just one application, I noticed a huge improvement!Thank you- Deb H
We live in Adelaide, South Australia and have a Lagotto and would like to purchase some Thornit powder to treat our dog’s ears. Could you please let me know where I can purchase this powder outside of the UK?
Hi, We sell the product and we are located in Keswick. Are you able to drop in? We have this awesome powder available at the front counter!
Hi, is this suitable for yeast or/and bacteria ear infection?
The Doghouse can also post it out to you!
Doghouse can also post it out to you, just give us a call or drop us an email!
Hi I have a lagotto poor guy always the ears we used to pluck his ears them skin would be so sore we have now been using thornit which is great but should I be doing more
Just keep an eye on your dogs ears, if they look and smell good then they likely are good! If in doubt please consult your vet 🙂
Do you still sell thornit ear powder for dogs and what sizes do you sell it and how much
Hi Lesley, yes you can purchase it from the Doghouse or we can post it to you. Just give us a call: 08 8293 6791 or email:
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Hi there,
Do you ship the thornit powder to Melbourne. Having trouble finding this product within Australia.
Yes we can ship to Melbourne!
Hi can I order this product from you online and have it sent? I’m located in Queensland
Hi can you please provide costs for both the small & the large bottle of thornit to Victoria Park Western Australia
I also have a lagotto and have been looking for something like this. Are you aware of any suppliers in Hobart?
Hi we also have a lag Otto and would like to purchase some Thornit powder. Is it possible for you to post to Sydney and how much does it cost?
Hi we have a Lagotto and live in Perth … Where can we buy this in Perth or Australia online …?? Thank you
HI can you give me a price for thornit plus postage to the gold coast
I too have a Lagotto and always ship my Thornit from the UK. Do you provide a service to post around Australia on demand? Thanks.
I live in Ormiston, Redlands City and have a Lagotto and would like to purchase some Thornit powder. Is there anywhere in Brisbane or Redlands where I can purchase this powder?
Hi i am in esk qld were would i be able to buy this have heard so many good reports about it
hi there can you mail to melbourne and if so how much for the 20gm bottle to be mailed?
Hi there, I’d like to order a bottle of Thornit for my Labradoodle Gypsy.
I live in Melbourne.
Hi there
Can you send to NZ?
Hi Shelley, If you send us an email directly to with your postcode, we can estimate delivery for you! Thanks, the Doghouse team!
Good morning. I’ve been using thornit on my dogs oaws for many years and have always purchased from the UK. I’m located north of Adelaide. Is it possible to purchase a 100g bottle via post?? If so what would the cost be? Many thanks, Nikki
Hi Nikki,
yes we can definitely post this to you. Perhaps email us on or call us directly and we can arrange the delivery with you, and confirm the final costs?
Thanks, The Doghouse Daycare team!
Hi do you ship to Brisbane and if so how much is the powder and shipping.
Hi Geri, Yes we can ship to Brisbane. Can you please let us know your suburb and we can provide a shipping cost. Would you like 1 bottle or multiple bottles? Thanks, the Doghouse team!
Is there an expiry date on this.
Hi there, were are very interested in this product. Could you please provide a price including delivery to 2756, NSW.
Thanks so much
We live in Sydney Australia and and would like to purchase some Thornit powder to treat our dog’s ears. Could you please let me know where I can purchase this powder outside of the UK?
I wish to order a bottle of Thornit for my Lagotto. We are in sydney. Please let me know price and shipping details. Many thanks